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5 things I do remember about my past Ramadhans

Assalamualaikum people

Ramadhan 1425 @ October 2005

1. The kind hearted mix Maori-Pakeha makcik Dewan Makan would make my food ready for both breaking fast and sahur.

2. Sometimes, Kak Lane would fetch me at hostel and she would cook great dishes and we ate together with Syed as well

3. If there was no invitation from Kak Lane, Syed, Abg Ziad or Kak Pica, yes, I would sahur, buka puasa and terawih alone..yes people, alone, in Room 48 of Moginie Hall

4. I hardly cried because I was counting days to go home on the 5th of Syawal, right after my final exams. Yes, we did have exams on Hari Raya Pertama.

5. It was hard and quite challenging as people around you did not fast. Not many Moslems around, Malaysians laaaagi la takde. But, Alhamdulillah, it was such a beautiful memory and hey, I did survived!

Ramadhan 1426 @ October 2006

1. I was not alone anymore!!! There were 8 of us berbuka puasa bersama – me, hani, yusma, nabil, nadiah, kak Leila, imran and razif..well, the number of Malaysians in Palmerston North has grown more than 1000%..hehe

2. We had kind of duty rosters to cook since early February, so we just continued the roster. Me together with my partner Hani because she is a very good cook, and I am not =p

3. I remember how Yusma were craving for food like apam balik and murtabak. And we were blessed, because of her craveness, she managed to cook the dishes and we managed to eat all those things!!! I also remember how Hani tebuk the tin susu to make roti jala a reality!

4. Alhamdulillah, we sahur and buka puasa together..and pray terawih berjamaah in the hallway through out the month of Ramadhan

5. It was one of the most beautiful Ramadhaan I ever had in my life

Ramadhan 1427 @ September 2007

1. New housemates. For the first time I lived together with Malaysians under one roof. Hana.Yusma.Hani

2. This year, every weekdays, we went to iftar in Islamic Centre and we stayed there until Tarawih. So we just have to cook for sahur . Sometimes, ada juga juadah dari jiran tetangga =)

3. This is the busiest Ramadhan I had because right after Terawih, I will go to the Stats Lab until midnight and finished all my assignments.

4. My situation was still unknown because at that time, I still did not know whether this Ramadhan was going to be my last Ramadhan in NZ or not.

5. Owh, suddenly I remembered the Mongolia man..hehehehe

Ramadhan 1428 @ September 2008

1. New place, new faces, new friends, new environment, back in Hamilton

2. Every weekend was full with potluck or kenduri buka puasa at different houses..yummm!

3. owh ya, the hostel girls, together with 35D Cameron Rd girls were breaking fast together every single day.

4. Terawih berjemaah almost every night, sometimes at Kak Aisyah and Kak Eli’s crib

5. A bit sad because this was the last Ramadhan in NZ, yet excited to go home!

Sedikit pengisian, diambil dari notes facebook Ain =)

Abu Hurairah ra. berkata , Nabi saw bersabda:

"Barangsiapa yang membebaskan orang mukmin dari kesempitan dunia, maka Allah kan membebaskannya dari kesempitan hari kiamat.

Barangsiapa yang memberi kemudahan orang yang mengalami kesulitan,maka Allah akan memberi kemudahan kepadanya di dunia dan di akhirat.

Barangsiapa menutupi aib orang muslim maka Allah akan menutupi aibnya di dunia dan di akhirat.Allah senantiasa menolong hamba-Nya selama hamba tersebut menolong saudaranya.

Barangsiapa yang meniti jalan untuk memperoleh ilmu,maka Allah akan memberikan kemudahan baginya jalan menuju syurga.Tidaklah suatu kaum berkumpul di rumah Allah(masjid),membaca kitab Allah dan mempelajarinya,nescaya turun kepada mereka ketenteraman,rahmat meliputi mereka,para malaikat berkerumun di sekelilingnya dan Allah menyebut-nyebut mereka di hadapan makhluk yang berada disisi-Nya.

Barangsiapa amalnya selalu terlambat(kurang),maka nasabnya tidak akan dapat menyempurnakannya."
-Hadis riwayat muslim-hadis ke-36 dari hadis arba'in-

So people, wherever you are, Selamat Mengimarahkan Ramadhan!

Kurang-kurangkan perkara yang kurang berfaedah seperti melayari facebook, membaca blog, menonton drama kesukaan terlalu lama..alangkah indahnya sekiranya waktu yang digunakan untuk melayari internet itu digunakan untuk membaca AlQuran sehinggalah khatam (pesanan ini untuk diri saya sendiri..huhu..dan anda juga )

Saya sangat teruja dan berasa sangat bersyukur kerana setelah 4 kali Ramadhan jauh di perantauan, tahun ini insyaAllah saya dapat kembali berpuasa bersama-sama keluarga tercinta. Jadi kawan-kawan di Palmerston North dan Hamilton jangan jealous ya =)

Anyway, itu semua tidak penting. Yang penting adalah bagaimana pengisian Ramadhan kita. Sama-samalah kita menjadikan Ramadhan tahun ini lebih baik dari tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Siapa tahu, ia mungkin Ramadhan yang terakhir buat kita

Renung-renungkan, dan selamat beramal =)


Ann said…
mongolia tu akan msk utk kami utk berbuka nnt.tak ingat hari apa,tp akan ada lah.haha
eL said…
dan mengapa?
sis e-loon u dun have to worry,
kami undergrads kna masak,
but we're "busy",
so we ask that "charming" Mongolian to masak for us on that particular day..

dia sangat pandai masak kan ? =p

nasihat yang baik :jgn fb,nternet berejam-rejam,blog, drama
tq ;p

take care sis e-loon ;)
nUr said…
haha,terlalu banyak untuk dikenang, and I miss them:(

but yet,puasa kat malaysia for the 1st time after years sangat mengujakan!;D
Hudarling said…
elun. selamat berpuasa! :)

my sis skrg tgh go thru apa yang u dah gone thru. tapi dia takde housemate. kesian.
eL said…
hana : kenape mongolia tu kene masak untuk korang? kenapa? kenapa?
[masih xleh terime kenyataan..hehe]

nadiah : alhamdulillah..rindu diorg jugak..xpe nanti diorg balik msia jugak..selamat berpuasa di kampung halaman nadiah!

hudarling : well..aku first year pun xde housemate..all alone..haha..mase 2nd yr ade housemate, tp international students..bukan malaysians..kire alone jugak laa..hehe..tell your sis its ok..tu la namenye pengalaman berharge..hahahaha

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