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The Year 2012 Recapitulate

1. January
I could not recall what had happened this month. My cousin, Andi got married.

2. February
Umi finally retired and stayed at home. Since then, she has became healthier and stronger. Now, she is 55kgs. (Well she was 37kgs back in 2007) This is maybe because she has nothing to stress about like what she used to in the school. So, yeah alhamdulillah.

3. March
My cousin, Yuhan got married with Hakiem and I could not be there both at the solemnization and reception as we had sekolah ganti on that Saturday. Sabar je laaa.

4. April
My 27th birthday. The month when he said he wanted to meet my parents officially with his family. I would love to take that as proposing as it was out of nowhere. Haha. Meaning, seru nak kawin dah datang just like that. At first, he planned to come on my birthday (sweet please) but since he told me slightly late and few things here and there, we postponed it to the next month. 

Owh yeah another big thing was, we won the title of the district netball champion for the first time since few years after intensive training by  me and my bestfriend Oja.

5. May
On 19th May, he came or we call it merisik. So, I got to meet his family for the first time in my life. Nervous gila I tell you! Alhamdulillah, both sides of family suddenly agreed to have the wedding right after Syawal. So, they set the date straight away. Alhamdulillah we had the date already yay!! 

6. June
Ijat got married to Nina during the school holidays. I also went to Mcsue and Shah's reception during the same weekend, together with him.

7. July
I went to Sabah weekend trip with my girls a week before puasa. We had a blast during those 3 days. Islands hopping and Kundasang!

It was my last raya as a single lady. haha. and the final countdown started.

9. September
Alhamdulillah, on 15th September, I am officially Mrs Wan Kamarul Ariffin Wan Zainudin

10. October
First Raya Haji with the inlaws in Lipis. hihi

11. November
Yus right eye's operation in Selayang

12. December
The best school holidays ever in my life so far. We spent all the time together and at the end of the holiday, on 20122012 to be exact, we received a news that would change our life. ( No, I am not pregnant yet)

Alhamdulillah. Subhanallah. Allahuakbar


Hudarling said…
nanti anak kau nama Wan la eh. eh tibe2 kan. hai... =p
eL said…
yer InsyaAllah aku bakal melahirkan anak-anak bernama Wan. kihkih. Sabar ye Auntie Huda. I am glad you are writing again. Been missing it since forever.

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